How Many Activities Can You Fit Into A Weekend?

I remember a couple of years ago, Stella told me that I made our weekends too busy and couldn’t we have one that we did nothing?  It seems are weekends are full beyond and we really do not get a break from those type of weekends until the winter months hit.  The funny thing is that I am not the one that fills our weekends now – it is Stella and all her activities, play dates, sports. etc.

This past weekend found us going to the annual Taiko drumming concert at Christ Church.  Wow was this amazing!  They explained about each song before playing it and informed us of the drumming in the Japanese culture.  After they were done performing they encouraged the audience to come up and give it a try – the smiles on everyone’s faces was wonderful.

She was mesmerized by it!

Saturday found us at soccer practice and while that was going on I went to the farmer’s market and ran some errands.  Back to pick up Stella , home to change her shoes and then a short walk to Christ Church for the annual bazaar – I look forward to this every year!  I always find great things – and this year was no exception. I bought a cast iron pot for $1.00 – just needs cleaning and seasoning, a velvet skirt for a dollar, a stein for $5 (came home and looked it up and it is worth about $75) and the best purchase was a wool, woven rug – I will be finding out more about the rug – but purchased it for $5!!!

Stella was invited to a Halloween party on Saturday night and on Friday night she told me it was a costume party! After the church bazaar it was home to start work on her costume.  Seeing it come together was fun and while I was busy sewing, Stella was busy creating her jewelery for the costume.  We were able to get most of it done – we just need to to the headpiece for trick or treating. Come back either Thursday or Friday of this week….

While Stella was at her party I was at the wake of my neighbor’s brother.  He was a wonderful man, that was taken from us way too soon.  He was diagnosed with cancer at the end of August and passed away Thursday.  To see all the people at the wake was to know what kind of life he had led!  I think one of the most touching things was the football team from the local high school came to pay their respects – they came directly from a game and most were still in full uniform.  I will miss seeing John as I pass by the high school (he was the crossing guard), I will miss having dinner with him at my neighbors and most of all I will miss his smile and his can I help personality.  He was only 65 – it makes one take stake of their life and how we live each day!

Sunday was a day of chores and soccer.  Straightening up, laundry, making a pot of soup, school work for both of us, guitar and violin practicing for Stella and preparation for my upcoming Health Coach seminar.

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3 Responses to How Many Activities Can You Fit Into A Weekend?

  1. Candace Coffin says:

    Wow, wow, and wow. What a weekend what great finds, what lovely remarks about your friend that passed over, and what a fun weekend. Love your finds!! The run looks like a really good one, and the cast iron pot is fabulous…great bargains. Smiles.

  2. Jody says:

    Oh, you and I are on the same page! Last Sunday I sang for the children’s service at church, then home to cook for the week. Slipped out for a meditation at 1 at the local library, stayed there for the bluegrass concert at 3P. Ran up to return a book to my girlfriend, which turned into me making dinner for us while she raked up the leaves. And we made it over to our spiritual study group by 6P – yikes -didn’t plan that, but would not have changed a thing!

  3. Hannah Yates says:

    I need to join you + Stella for one of these action packed weekends!

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