Kids Craft Corner – Making an Easter Wreath

The St. Patrick’s day wreath is down and our door was looking a little barren – so what did we do?  We made an Easter Wreath.  Stella had wanted this wreath bigger than the last one – so being the good mom that I am, I got the next size up.  I thought I was getting enough ribbon to wrapped it – but I was wrong and we were in a quandary.  Putting both our creative minds to work we came up with a way to get around that – and the funny thing is that we both thought of the same idea!  I am glad that we did not have enough ribbon because our wreath turned out better than it would have if we had had enough.

Making an Easter Wreath

Materials Needed

Straw wreath
2 spools of pink ribbon
Glue gun
Glue sticks
Decorations (we used pre-made felt eggs)
Elmer’s glue
Pipe cleaners
Green construction paper (two different greens)
Ribbon for hanging

1.  Using a glue gun, secure the ribbon to the wreath and wrap almost all the way around.  An adult needs to do this part – the glue is very hot.

2. Cut green strips of construction paper and wrap the remaining part of the wreath.




3. Decorate your wreath with items of you choosing.





4. Make flowers out of pipe cleaners.  We used two of the same color for the petals and one for the stem and leaf.  With the 2 colors – each pipe cleaner will have 2 petals – leave a “stem” so you can connect the 2 along with the green stem.  Using the glue gun glue them to the wreath on the construction paper part.

5. Measure the part of the wreath that is wrapped with construction paper and measure a rectangle that is a little longer than the wrapped part and wide enough to cover the stems of the flower and secure to the bottom on the wreath.  We used two different greens.  Using scissors cut your grass on both pieces of construction paper – you will then glue them together with Elmer’s. I found that cutting a triangle in the bottom of the paper made it easier to wrap on the wreath.





6.  Attach the grass to the wreath with the glue gun.

7. Tie a ribbon on the top of the wreath so you can hang it.  Happy Easter!

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3 Responses to Kids Craft Corner – Making an Easter Wreath

  1. Jo says:

    That is so cute!

  2. Candace Coffin says:

    This is definitely a craft that kid’s can make and be creative with. Adults just have to have materials available and let them go. It’s evident that Stella enjoyed this project and is proud of her finished product!!

    • simply0637 says:

      I have been in the process of gathering all our craft items and putting them in containers with labels – so Stella and her friends can be creative whenever and know where the stuff is!

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