Last winter we made bracelets out of toilet paper rolls and during that activity – Stella informed me that she was making her bracelet for her Halloween costume – she was going to be an Egyptian Princess! Of course I asked would the bracelet keep until then? Well, of course it would NOT! As we started to make her costume and I asked her to get her bracelet so she could make the other one – a thorough search of her room came up with nothing – so 2 bracelets would have to be made.
I am not sure if it was good thing or a bad thing, me making her Halloween costume last year. Stella decided that it was such a better costume when it was made by me that we should always make her costumes. You did see the “we” in that last sentence – right?! We, as most mom’s and dad’s know, really means YOU.
Stella tried to convey what she was wanting the costume to look like, but I could not get a clear picture in my head. We went to the internet and searched for Egyptian princess costumes, and we found one that Stella liked. We were off to Good Will where we found a silky woman’s neglige and a colorful gauzey woman’s robe – cost was under $10.00. I then went to the craft store and purchased some gold ribbon. We had our materials.
I figured I would make the costume over the weekend and then I was told Friday evening – “mom, Morgan’s party is a costume party – so we need to make my costume.” – the party being on Saturday evening!!
The sewing machine came out. Thank goodness I had already washed the items from Good Will. The neglige was pinned and the creating begun. Friday night before our planned activities, I was able to sew the neglige (to fit a child), sew on the gold ribbon and glue the ribbon going doing the gown.
As I was sewing, Stella was busy making her bracelets for her costume. Stella finished the decoupage part of her bracelets – we were out the door.
Saturday afternoon found us finishing up the costume. Stella jeweled the bracelets, I jeweled the gown. With some pony beads I sewed a fringed collar onto the gown. Then it was to figure out the cape. At first we thought I would attach to the back of the gown and to each bracelet, with it having no arms, but since it is the end of October and the weather is changing we decided it would be better with sleeves.
We made it! Stella wore a pair of her jeweled sandals, we decided to hold off on coloring her hair until Halloween and the headdress has not been decided upon. At first Stella wanted a headdress with a snake on top, then it was just a gold one and now she is thinking about a headdress that has beads hanging down all the way around! Who knows what will happen between now and Halloween. But the costume was done in time for the party and will be worn for trick or treating down Beekman Ave in Sleepy Hollow, for the annual Halloween parade led by the Headless Horseman, costume day at school and of course Halloween night! Stella’s friends couldn’t believe that we made the costume, but Stella did fess up and tell them that her mom mostly did it!

YOU did a fabulous job and together you two came up with a great manifestation of the idea. You ROCK!! Stella looks to be a gorgeous Egyptian Queen. : )
I love it and by the looks of Stella’s face she loves it too….you need to stick a gem between her eyebrows or maybe that’s not egyptian! What color will you color your hair Stella! Love, love, love it!
Great costume. Stella will have wonderful memories of what her Mom did for her!