Our Yard Sale

We have been trying to have a yard sale since last fall, but there was always something that came up and we would have to postpone. Well this past Saturday, we finally had our yard sale.  Stella was looking very much forward to it, me – not so much.  The reason for our yard sale, besides getting rid of stuff – was to put money towards our Africa trip.

Almost 10 years ago I went to South Africa, fell in love and have wanted to return ever since.  Stella has seen the pictures and we have talked about going for awhile – but we have now set the time frame – the summer she is 10 – which is 2 years away.  The reason for the long amount of time until we go is threefold – one reason is that this is a big trip, long travel, etc and I wanted to make sure she was up to the trip, second reason is that I wanted her to remember it – this is life time memory trip and the last one was to teach her about saving for a big ticket item – not instant gratification.  We have an Africa savings account, where we put in a set amount every month, then we have Angel  – our piggy bank – all my change at the end of the week goes into her and any money that Stella finds is placed in her too.  Stella has also put in birthday and Christmas money.

After spending 6 hours in the attic sorting through stuff and organizing Stella’s old clothes – I thought the hard part was over – wrong!  Wednesday night before the sale we made our signs, but could not hang them – rain was coming, Thursday we couldn’t hang them either – winds (30 – 50 mph) – so Friday morning, early – I was out there hanging signs around town.  Friday evening it was replacing the signs that the wind had taken and getting everything out of the attic.  I wish I had thought about taking a photo – there was so much stuff (some that had been dropped off by others – to help with the trip) that we had paths to walk through the rooms!  Saturday morning I was up around 5am getting things started.  I woke Stella at 6:30 and 15 minutes later she was hard at work.  I don’t think she realized what it took to have a yard sale because she kept saying to me “this is a lot of work”.  At 8am the sale began…

At the beginning - not showing everything

We also had 4 other kids join the fun!  Things were slow, but then the kids decided to go to the corner and drum up business – and boy did they!  I wish I had taken a picture of them at the corner – but within minutes of them going there – we were swarming with people.  When they saw all the people they would come back to the house, talk up their items (I have to say they are very good sales people) and when the crowd thinned out they were back at the corner.  They had so much energy, but towards the end they were all very tired!

The sale was a success!  We had money to put in our African fund, a little bit of money for each of us (we worked hard) and almost everything was gone!  The clothes that were left were brought to the Salvation Army and the other items were left at the end of the driveway with a FREE sign – most all was gone that same evening!

The End

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3 Responses to Our Yard Sale

  1. Candace says:

    This is a most impressive story and project. To plan and involve Stella in such a project is the best learning she will ever get. What fun and how practical!!

  2. Jo says:

    I have only had one yard sale when we moved to Palo Alto and it WAS a lot of work. Feels good to get rid of ‘stuff’. xo

  3. virginia says:

    I’ve had a couple of yard sales and it is work but I LOVED getting $ for stuff I didn’t need anymore!
    How great to have a big trip to look forward to.

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