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Tag Archives: kale
Nutritious, Delicious, and Hearty Kale Soup
This recipe came from This is a great site, full on wonderful information and you can sign up to receive their e-newsletters. When I saw this recipe in the e-newsletter I wanted to make then and there, but alas … Continue reading
Kale And Chickpea Soup
Another storm is hitting us and the weather reports are conflicting, but I am wagering that there will not be school again tomorrow. With the cold weather is was an excuse, not a big one, to make a pot of … Continue reading
Kale And Sweet Potato Soup
The forecast called for an ice storm this past Sunday and in the storm warning they said we could loose power. Since we have an electric stove I made a pot of soup that I could heat up on the … Continue reading
Quinoa Stuffed Butternut Squash
Thanks goes out again to my friend Gail, who has started doing some guest blogs for me. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it and she always come up with good posts! When my daughter (a new mother … Continue reading
More Ideas From the Jersey Shore – Massaged Kale Salad
Everyone in the know, it seems, is touting the virtues of kale. But to the average American palette, kale takes some getting used to, but well worth it. The benefits of acquiring a taste for kale are many. Of all … Continue reading
Honey Curried Kale Recipe
I love kale and have planted two kinds in my garden, curly and Russian. The Russian is similar to chard and I love to saute it up with onion and garlic. My favorite breakfast when the kale is ready to … Continue reading
Kale Chips, Delicious
I got the laundry in from the line moments before the rain began, perfect. I hate it when I forget about the laundry hanging and then the rain begins – so the laundry stays on the line until the rain … Continue reading