Knitted Trivet

I like to keep my hands busy, especially when I am watching a movie.  Knitting seems the perfect thing to do, but when I watching a movie that I need to really pay attention to I need something simple to knit – one where I don’t have to keep referring back to a pattern or watching all my stitches.  After knitting the cotton wash clothes that I do – there is always a little bit of yarn left, what to do with it?  With other projects I collect the yarn and then make a mis-matched knitted blanket – but the cotton yarn doesn’t work that well for that.  I decided to try knitting a trivet with some of the leftover cotton a yarn.

Knitted Trivet

Trivet in use

Items Needed

Cotton yarn
Size 6 double pointed needles
Darning needle

1. Cast on 4 stitches.

trivet cast on

2. Knit the 4 stitches for 1 row.

3. Slide the stitches on the needle so that the yarn tail is on the left.

4. Knit the first stitch by bringing the yarn tail from the left over the needle.  Knit the rest of the row.  You will knitting an I-cord.

Trivet start of icord

5. Continue stitching the I-cord until you are almost out of yarn – you will need enough to stitch the cord together or you have reached the length you want. Here is a video to show how to knit an I-cord

Trivet cordTrivet up close cord

6. Cast off leaving a long tail. My I-cord was 73″ long and I left a tail of 60″, which was just enough.

7. Coil your I-cord and using a whip stitch, stitch the I-cord together.

Trivet sewingWeave in all ends.

Trivet done

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One Response to Knitted Trivet

  1. Candace says:

    Wow. Way cool. Reminds me of the rugs I made for my dollhouse growing up. However, we used a wooden, open peg with four nails. : ) These trivets are cool! I now want to watch the video!

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