Kids Craft Corner – Cardboard Wallet

I walked into the kitchen to see Stella very focused  – she was writing on a piece of paper.  I took a closer look and she was designing and diagramming the steps to make a wallet out of cardboard and duct tape.  I left her to her work.  A little while later she came down to the basement telling me that she needed a piece of cardboard – I told her that I would have to look for one.  I ended up cutting a top flap from a box and gave it to her.  Stella then went a found a ruler and drew her plan out on the cardboard piece.

Cardboard Wallet

Cardboard done

Items Needed

Box cutter
Different color duct tape

Cardboard drawing

1. Draw your pieces on a piece of cardboard.  Stella’s wallet has 3 sections, so she drew out 6 rectangles or 3 sizes.

Cardboard ruler

2. Cut your pieces out.  Depending on the thickness of the cardboard will determine whether you can use scissors or will need an exacto knife or box cutter.  If you using a box cutter – either have an adult cut it or have an adult supervise cutting.

Cardboard cutting

3. Tape each section together – for a total of 3 sections.

Cardboard materialsCardboard tapingCardboard taping 1

4. Tape your 3 sections together to make your wallet.

Cardboard done 1

I was really impressed with her creativity and the fact that she drew it all out.  I only helped with the cutting of the pieces with a box cutter.  Stella did all the rest of it – figuring out how to tape it together so that it would still open and be able to hold items inside.  She did a great job!  I see many other projects coming from her!

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2 Responses to Kids Craft Corner – Cardboard Wallet

  1. Candace says:

    As the saying goes, “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” How wonderful that Stella has the imagination, confidence and ability to create….like her mom. Wonderful to have a blog of Stella creations. Somehow I see a kid’s blog manifesting!! : )

  2. Jo says:

    Wonder where she gets that from? What a great job. Leave it to Stella…..

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