We light candles often in our house and Stella started collecting the wax awhile back – she has bags full of wax that she has pulled off the sides of candles or off the candle holders. We have been talking a lot lately about melting down her wax collection and make new candles, but that is for another day and another project. With the warm weather we have been experiencing that may have to wait – also I have never made candles from collected wax, but I have been told that when you melt the different colored wax together it turns black – so will have to sort the colors or figure some other way to re-use the wax.
I was recently in a dollar store and came across some wooden candle sticks, that were really a dollar – so I figured why not – good afternoon project. With more and more of our weekends and evenings taken up now with outside activities I have to find projects that are shorter in length – this was perfect.
Decorated Wooden Candle Sticks
Materials Needed
Wooden candle sticks
Paint brushes
1. Lay newspaper over your work area and get all your supplies out and ready.
2. Paint your candlesticks, multicolor is fun!
3. Stick a candle in it and light it. We had out dinner by candle light! Stella still wants to do more on her candle stick, but has not figured out what yet – a work in progress. She can’t decide it she wants to paint some design on it on use some of the press on gems.

Wonderful to make “your own” candlestick!! The wooden candlesticks were a great find!!
Yes – I wished I had bought more. Just happened upon the Dollar store and can’t remember where it was, so can’t go back and until my memory kicks in!